From: Fredrik Gustafsson
Subject: Re: Hej!
THOMAS wrote:
> Jag heter Thomas Pålsson och jobbar på Musikbörsen i Linköping.
> Synt-galningen Lasse Viklund tyckte att jag skulle titta in här.
Du är välkommen, men det kan finnas en viss hälsorisk för dig om du
identifierar dig alltför mycket med affären för här kritiseras
musiken-ockrande löss rätt tufft har jag märkt, hehe...
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 18:53:18 +0200
From: Lasse Viklund
Subject: Re: Hej!
Fredrik Gustafsson wrote:
> THOMAS wrote:
> >
> > Jag heter Thomas Pålsson och jobbar på Musikbörsen i Linköping.
> >
> > Synt-galningen Lasse Viklund tyckte att jag skulle titta in här.
> >
> Du är välkommen, men det kan finnas en viss hälsorisk för dig om du
> identifierar dig alltför mycket med affären för här kritiseras
> musiken-ockrande löss rätt tufft har jag märkt, hehe...
> /Andreas
Ja!!! Ge honom vad han tål!!! (han tål en hel del...)
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 19:34:31 +0200
From: Lasse Viklund
Subject: Hupp!
Skall man vara avundsjuk eller?
"Audio Playground's Synthesizer Museum currently has 530 synth units.
Most are Analog. Some are Digital. We are
always looking to enhance our collection with other synths.We have
multiples of some."
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 22:39:17 +0200
From: Lasse Viklund
Subject: Hupp-2!
brings you the widest selection of vintage analog
synthesizers, modules and related equipment
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 23:35:02 +0200
From: Richard Klasic
Subject: Re: Ralph...
At 15:42 1997-03-31 +0100, you wrote:
>>Och Sigma (det gamla programmet) hade en låt av John Carpenter (ifrån
>>filmen 'Escape from New York' som fö är en av mina absoluta favoritfilmer
>Jepp 3m 07s in i spår 8 på soundtracket :) låten heter 'The Duke arrives /
>The barricade**'
Stämmer bra det. Har soundtracket här, men orkade inte vara så noggran :)
-- (soon)
: # # : # # # : The Church of, * *** *****
: # # : # # # : Analogue Synths * * * * * *
: # # : # # # : IRC: _Rick_ * * * * * * * * *
: : : : : : : : WWW: * * * * * *
:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: email: * *** *****
The truth is out there ...
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 04:15:51 GMT
Subject: Billig TR-606
Antar at dette er kjent i Sverige allerede, men:
Roland overtok selv salg i Norge på midten av 80-tallet. Firmaet som
hadde hatt agenturet inntil da gikk nylig konkurs, og under
bobehandlingen kom det for en dag en mengde utstyr.
Det mest interessante ble blåst bort til spottpriser;TB-303, TR-808
samt flere 100-M systemer, alt i uåpnet originalemballasje!
Et komplett system-700 (6 kabinetter!!) gikk for 3500kr....
Det er fortsatt mange fabrikknye TR-606 igjen. Disse går for Nkr 290
med b=E6reveske i originaleske. De har også noen få ubrukte SVC-350 rack
vocodere og SPH-323 phasere som går for Nkr 490 pr stk.
Inntil videre er det ikke mulig å bestille, de pr=F8ver f=F8rst å selge
alt til kunder som kan hente det selv mot kontant betaling hos
advokaten som styrer boet.
Så hvis noen av dere skal til Oslo med det f=F8rste.....
Ingar. S=F8gne (Flest soltimer i landet 8-)
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:20:54 +0200
From: (Ronny Gardh)
Subject: Poly-61 till bra pris
Korg Poly-61 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer with MIDI retrofit. Offers 2 DCOs, VCF, 4 point EG, VCA and MG, 64 digital memory patch locations, Key assign modes, Full function arpeggiator, 8 direction adjustable joystick, and 61 keys. MIDI retrofit
E-mail if interested.
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:21:09 +0200
From: (Ronny Gardh)
Subject: Re: Billig TR-606
Nice try!
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 10:04:21 GMT
Subject: Re: Hupp!
Nu blir det lite synthspotting här...
Det står EXPANDER MODULE på hans MS-50?=21 På min står det SYNTHESIZER. Vad står det på din Eric?
Detta bekräftar mina misstankar om att KORG MS-serien i USA skiljer sig från den vi hade i Europa. Min MS-10 som kommer från USA har en extra switch som inte finns på nån =22svensk=22 MS-10 jag har sett. Inte heller finns switchen med i service manualen.
/det här är viktiga saker minsann.
Sent from The Department of Media and Communication
Mid Sweden University
Information available at and
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 11:17:37 +0200
From: Richard Klasic
Subject: Re: Hupp!
At 10:04 1997-04-01 GMT, you wrote:
skiljer sig från den vi hade i Europa. Min MS-10 som kommer från USA har
en extra switch som inte finns på nån "svensk" MS-10 jag har sett. Inte
heller finns switchen med i service manualen.
Vad är det för switch?
-- (soon)
: # # : # # # : The Church of, * *** *****
: # # : # # # : Analogue Synths * * * * * *
: # # : # # # : IRC: _Rick_ * * * * * * * * *
: : : : : : : : WWW: * * * * * *
:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: email: * *** *****
The truth is out there ...
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 12:28:53 +0000
From: "Anders Wikholm"
Subject: Virusvarning!!!
Världens första virus som drabbar samplers har nu upptäckts!
Viruset "Reboot Revenge" drabbar Ensoniqs EPS och ASR modeller.
Viruset sprids genom att ett infekterat instrument laddas in i minnet
från en diskett. Viruset kommer sedan att infektera alla instrument
man sparar. Detta märks på att instrumentfilerna plötsligt blir 112
blocks längre.
På en EPS classic/16+ har viruset inga kända effekter. På en ASR-10
träder viruset i aktion när man använder Timestretch funktionen med
99% kvalit=E9. Denna process tar i vanliga fall flera timmar, men på en
infekterad ASR tar den endast mellan fem och tio minuter. När den
virusdrabbade ägaren återvänder till sin ASR efter en längre lunch
eller liknande har ingen timestretch utförts. Istället har följande
Alla samples på icke skrivskyddade disketter och SCSI enheter har
ersätts med en bit av refrängen ur Robyn låten "Bumpy Road". På
displayen blinkar samtidigt meddelandet "ERROR 129 REBOOT? YES OR
YES!!". På lysdioderna visas en rinnande ljus effekt med meddelandet
"Hej Tomtegubbar, slå in glasen!" inlagt i morse-kod.
Det är hittills okänt hur viruset fungerar på den nya ASR-X.
Från Ensoniq har hittills inga reaktioner kommit, men Waveboy meddelar
att dom kommer att ha ett antivirusprogram klart inom två veckor. Doug
Westlake på Waveboy misstänker att virusförfattaren blivit skvatt
galen när han försökt få ASR-10:ans sequencer att gå itakt med en
Anders Wikholm (
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 12:36:40 +0200
From: (Ronny Gardh)
Subject: No joke
Det uppenbarade sig ett fynd på text-TV i helgen, MEN
jag var tyvärr försent ute.
Nämligen en Roland TR-909 för 800 kr, jag ringde honom
och kollade, men den var såld (konstigt).
Han förstod inte varför det ringde så många, han hade typ
köpt 909:an ny för 11 år sedan och inte använt den på 7 år
och tyckte att det var dags att göra sig av med lite prylar,
och har inte kollat vad priset är idag på en beg sådan.
Han var dock nöjd att han fick sina pengar, man kunde dock tro
att det var april-skämt, men detta fynd annonserades i fredags
på tv4:as text-TV.
Grrrr, varför ringde jag inte direkt när jag såg annonsen
i fredags natt omkring 02.00.
mäd vänligga hellsningar
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:30:12 +0200
From: (Andreas Lindholm)
Subject: Re: Hej!
>Fredrik Gustafsson wrote:
Näpp, det var jag, jag bara råkade glömma att ändra inställningarna hos
honom, sorry!
>> THOMAS wrote:
>> >
>> > Jag heter Thomas Pålsson och jobbar på Musikbörsen i Linköping.
>> >
>> > Synt-galningen Lasse Viklund tyckte att jag skulle titta in här.
>> >
>> Du är välkommen, men det kan finnas en viss hälsorisk för dig om du
>> identifierar dig alltför mycket med affären för här kritiseras
>> musiken-ockrande löss rätt tufft har jag märkt, hehe...
>> /Andreas
>Ja!!! Ge honom vad han tål!!! (han tål en hel del...)
Okey... så svara då på varför sampling CD är så förbaskat dyra här i landet ;)
/Andreas not fredde
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:47:22 +0200
From: (Andreas Lindholm)
Subject: Re: No joke
haha ;)
>Han f=96rstod inte varf=96r det ringde s=C2 m=C2nga, han hade typ
>k=96pt 909:an ny f=96r 11 =C2r sedan och inte anv=94nt den p=C2 7 =C2r
>och tyckte att det var dags att g=96ra sig av med lite prylar,
>och har inte kollat vad priset =94r idag p=C2 en beg s=C2dan.
>Han var dock n=96jd att han fick sina pengar, man kunde dock tro
>att det var april-sk=94mt, men detta fynd annonserades i fredags
>p=C2 tv4:as text-TV.
>Grrrr, varf=96r ringde jag inte direkt n=94r jag s=C2g annonsen
>i fredags natt omkring 02.00.
=46örstår dig för jag tänkte nyss, fan att man inte läser på text-tv så ofta,
var det TV4?
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:57:09 +0200
From: (Andreas Lindholm)
Subject: CV sync med audio eller =?iso-8859-1?Q?värdet?= av en SH101
Tjena, hur många därute har en K2000RS?
Jag har en och kom på att jag kanske skulle kunna använda en audio-signal
från det till att svepa filter och sån't med, Mogge (på synth net...) var
tveksam om det skulle funka, men det gjorde det! Fast jag har vissa problem
att lusta ut hur många db som motsvarar vad i cv så jag kan inte tuna VCOn
med audio än. Är det någon som vet hur man räknar ut det?
Appropå räkna ut... är det någon som vet hur man räknar ut nothöjd i hz, vi
vet ju alla att vanliga A är 440hz, men kan någon en formel så man kan
räkna ut resten eller ännu bättre, har någon en tabell?
Och sist men inte minst, vad är priset på en SH101 idag, cirkus?
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:02:46 +0200
From: Tomas =?iso-8859-1?Q?Högström?=
Subject: Re: CV sync med audio eller =?iso-8859-1?Q?värdet?= av en SH101
Tonhöjd: Varje halvton upp/ner motsvarar multiplikation/division med
tolfte roten av 2, dvs 2 upphöjt med en tolftedel.
Detta blir inte musikaliskt perfekt skala, men nästan.
Skulle inte förvåna mig om de flesta syntar använder denna
skala men jag vet inte.
/ TH
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:08:17 +0200
From: Tomas =?iso-8859-1?Q?Högström?=
Subject: Re: CV sync med audio eller =?iso-8859-1?Q?värdet?= av en SH101
Decibel: 3dB upp/ner : faktor 2 förstärkning/dämpning.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:03:30 GMT
Subject: Re: CV sync med audio eller=?iso-8859-1?Q?_värdet?= av en SH101
>Tjena, hur många därute har en K2000RS?
Jag har en K2000.
>Jag har en och kom på att jag kanske skulle kunna använda en audio-signal
>från det till att svepa filter och sån't med, Mogge (på synth net...) var
>tveksam om det skulle funka, men det gjorde det=21
Jag har gjort ett vocoder program till K2:an som använder just pedal-ingången för att omvandla spänning till MIDI CC.
>Fast jag har vissa problem
>att lusta ut hur många db som motsvarar vad i cv så jag kan inte tuna VCOn
>med audio än. Är det någon som vet hur man räknar ut det?
0dBm : 1.23 volt-pp mot en ingångsimpedans på 600 =80. Varje 3 dB upp eller ner motsvarar en dubblering resp en halvering av signalen. K2000 har en ganska svag signal ut så du kan inte använda dem som mått på vad som är normal nivå. Jag skickar styrspänning på 0 till ca 3 volt in till K2000s pedalingång och det fungerar mycket bra. K2000 gillar INTE att man skickar minus spänningn in, då verkar hela synten balla ur - inte att rekommendera alltså.
Sent from The Department of Media and Communication
Mid Sweden University
Information available at and
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 15:16:54 +0200
From: (Ronny Gardh)
Subject: Re: No joke
> var det TV4?
Läs igen, hela texten denna gång.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 16:07:40 +0200
From: Magnus Danielson
Subject: FW: Pressrelase of the new Magocrapial Pro-1100 Series
Hi All!
Sorry for the crossposting, but I thougth that I needed to share this
pressrelease with you. It actually came to me a few days ago, but I
haven't got around to send it until now.
These people are not yeat connected to the Internet, so they asked me
to pass this onto you.
I'm not doing any buissness with these people, I only know them and
this is a little favour I do them.
Pressrelease intended for the Internet:
Hi all at the Internet!
Let us first let it be known that we are most greatfull for this
chance of being seen on the Internet for the first time. We have heard
a lot in the media and among friends and we are just getting to learn
about it. This Mosaic 2.4 seems like the thing to run and we will get
an Internet account now that we just released our new product series.
Lu, Ser
CEO Magocrapial Musicworks Inc.
Pressrelease of the new Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series
Magocrapial Musicworks is proud to present the new Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series
of synthesizers. We beleive that the universal interface and ease of use will
make it the perfect choise for not only composers and artists but also to
studio engineers to process sound and get unique soundscapes to make their
studios more successfull on the hard market. The growing set of modules will
ensure that your studio and concert rig will be easilly upgradeable to the
lates Magocrapial state of the art technology. The high quality production
line and the fine testing methods will ensure that you get the highest
Magocrapial quality.
The new Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series build upon the success of the Magocrapial
Pro 1000 Series. We have learned a lot from the feedback of our users and we
have added several new features which will ensure a stable functionallity.
We have on popular demand from out customers now started to ship the new
Magocrapial Pro 1100 series with two original Magocrapial Magic Smoke (C) cans.
These have earlier been available as spare parts (only $79.95 per 200 ml can)
but to aid initial installation and the high possibility of magic smoke
emitting during that procedure we have decided to ship the new series with
two cans. Of course can the user order extra cans along with their new
Pro 1100 Series and they can also order them separatly for maintainance.
In order to broaden the soundscapes in which you may use your new Magocrapial
Pro 1100 Series synthesizer we have added a new unique feature which was
developed in the secret laboratories at MIT. We have earlier had the
Pro 1000 Series prewired in what is know in the trade as the Magic mode.
Now we can as the first synthesizer manufactor present the Magic switch
which allows the user to select between the Magic mode and the new
More Magic mode. This new feature have been developed and used by the sharpest
brains at MIT and have just recently been found in publications. It is
using an propritary one-wire technology which is patended.
The Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series is fully patchable and infact, just like
the big classical synths you have full freedom to connect anything to
anything simply from the fact that we decided to not prepatch anything and
thereby not lead the user into a preset track of sounds and solution.
We have noted that standard connectors is therefore highly needed and
therefore we have selected two tracks of connectors. For the ultimate sound
experience with previous unhear precission we are proud to present
the compact SMA 2.9 connectors which is using Kapton (TM) film wafers
as part of the contact body to achieve the necessary bandwidth of DC
to 46 GHz. This bandwidth is needed for an untouched soundscape only
available from the Magocrapial labs.
Due to popular demand in the Magocrapial Pro 1000 Series of the Gold XLR
versions we have desided to develope the technique further in close cooperation
with out supliers we have developed the Magocrapial Gold XLR Plus technology
which has previosly unseen features. The Magocrapial Pro 1000 Series Gold XLR
technology featured goldplated pins with an unique connection scheme.
In the new Gold XLR Plus technology we have also goldplated the chassi metal
case. In the old Gold XLR technology we still had the lock feature which where
found to be more irritating then usefull so it has now been removed so that
you will never more be irritaded that you patchcables are locked for fast
removal or repatching. In order to get optimal contact and signal transfer
characteristics we have designed a low-impedance interconnection between the
3 pins and also to the chassi.
To further improve the the patch system we have designed high-impedance
outputs and low-impedance inputs to give optimal cable preformance.
All outputs have been normalised to the new standard of -40 dBu peak level.
This is done to avoid the current noise problems in cables and low impedance
inputs. The new current based cable system uses an stable DC current
of 20 A to allow for cable status monitoring, this allow for unique
compensation features only found in the Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series.
In order to well support this high level of signal quality we have used
Monster Cables in all internal interconnections except in the power
distribution where we uses goldplated soldid copper rods througthout.
This used to be an option in the Magocrapial Pro 1000 Series but it
was so popular that we desided to make it mandatory in the Pro 1100 Series.
In order to get the warm sound of the 60ths and 70ths we have incoperated
the best technologies and manufactor it according to the best technology
available in the late 90ths to give the sounds beyond the millenium available
to you now. In search of the unique sound we have found that a combination of
firetubes, glassfets, germanium transistors, germanium diodes and innovative
silicon designs like the 741 (used only at selected places) will give the
razor sharp and crisp sound that is needed.
In order to give stable and reliable power we have built an unique power
supply based on hand wired transformers and selected glassfets. The
transformers is wired during full moon in order to give optimum preformance.
We have now a limited supply of transformers which have been handcrafted
in the ligth of the moon and the Hale-Bopp comet, this offer will not come
back until about 2000 years from now, so call us soon to ensure you have one!
The quality if these transformers is ensured since our specially trained
left handed personal user their unique gifts to wind the transformers
up to the high specifications set by the Magocrapial labs.
The transformers are part of our Lone Wolf project in seek of the deep
and dark nature of synthesizer sounds. We are the only manufactor that
can guarantee that our synths have not been exposed to sunligth or other
christian symbols. This make it usefull for Satanic bands which have longed
for an monster synth to give the truely devilish soundscapes unheard on this
side the grave. To give our users full freedom we have selected to have some
features of the Lone Wolf project as option only.
The components have just as in the Magocrapial Pro 1000 Series been burned in
tested and stored since our buy up of them in 1974, this to ensure the true
soundscapes of the 70ths. They have been sited in our unique Magocrapial
Burnin Owen (patented in 1992 and 1993) since they where bougth. This will
also ensure that they will keep their warm sound. Often will they still be
warm when the special Magocrapial Delivery Truck arrives at your doorstep
with your new Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series.
The unique superlinear distorsion units will give crisp clear distorsion
unheard from other commercially available units. Most other units are nonlinear
and this causes a more muddled or sharp unnatural sound instead of Magocrapials
new superlinear system. Studies have shown that 98 % of the users prefer
the new superlinear system.
We are as you know in the micro age and of course have the Magocrapial
Pro 1100 Series brougth in the most efficient technologies available.
We make use of an array of magnetrons, thyratrons and MASERs to achive
an througth body experience of microwaves, this hot experience is used
to spice hot girls of the edge. It's also a cool effect to trow
in... what beats the cracking off an egg when boiled-fried with 2.45 GHz
microwave modulated with a super-linear distorted guitarr sound?
Due to the physical properties of the Magocrapial Pro 1100 Series (an minimum
configuration weigths about 2.5 tons without the PSU and keyboards) we have
now opened our new Magocrapial Architect and Engineering support service to
aid preparations of the building which will hold the new Magocrapial Pro 1100
Series synthesizer. We have found that a thougthfull planning is needed to
ensure that the building will physically hold up the weigth of the Pro 1100
Series and that no accidents happend during the installation procedure.
It has also shown to be necessary to punch holes in a few walls and improve
the strength of floors and outside road/parkinglot.
The power lines migth need revision as well as the studio cooling system.
Our engineers and architects will work with you to find an solution.
One attempt has been made to take an Magocrapial on tour but this is so far
not advicable due to union regulations and figths between unions on who
should be hired for the movement. There is also no TCO recommendation covering
the usage of these synthesizers which have proven to be a particularly
hard problem sometimes. Please feel free to contact the Magocrapial Leagal
Advisor to find the necessary law loopholes necessary to fullfill this
dream of yours.
Please contact us for indeep information and a demo tape. We are waiting
by our mobilephones for you to call.
Lu, Ser
CEO Magocrapial MusicWorks Inc.