Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 00:55:34 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Dröm_eller=3F?
On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, wrote:
>> Allt annat är bara faktafel rakt igenom, rena farsen. Den har t om 76
>> tangenter och inte 78, men det visste ni säkert. SO bizarre.
Han kanske räknade in plus- och minusknappen, höhöhö... ;-)
Message Number: 2
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 01:28:13 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Dröm_eller=3F?
Lasse - jag var på posten idag! :) Mailar direkt, har precis kommit hem
för att köra den vanliga surfrundan... :)
Mvh / PF - med två nya syntar i stallet denna dag... som redan är "igår".
>> Hehe....
>> han verkar ju helt lost !!
>> Nedräkningen har börjat Patrick !!
>> LJ
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From:
>> To: "Multiple recipients of SAS"
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 12:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: Dröm eller?
>>>> En sak jag reflekterade över när jag såg den där JX-dårens annons var att
>>>> synten skulle ha legat i sitt case i 5-10 år. Tjena, snacka om misshandel,
>>>> hur ser det ut kring batteriet tro?
>>>> Eller hur är ljuden som är i syntens minne? Är möjligen hela synten korrupt,
>>>> och visar märkliga tecken för varje funktion? Skulle inte förvåna mig...
>>>> Allt annat är bara faktafel rakt igenom, rena farsen. Den har t om 76
>>>> tangenter och inte 78, men det visste ni säkert. SO bizarre.
>>>> Ciao!
>>>> PF.
>>>>>> On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Från IOL, en annan dröm? Eller har han rökt på?
>>>>>>>>>> /Erik. Far out...
>>>>>>>> Hehe.. Finn minst 5 fel på den annonsen ;)
>>>>>> Men det där var ju min annons!!
>>>>>> (skojar bara ;)
>>>>>>>> Nämen.. nu ska vi inte va såna.. vänta tills han sänker priset igen så
>>>>>>>> får
>>>>>>>> vi se vem som köper den först! Förresten så kanske man ska passa på att
>>>>>>>> försöka pruta ner den till en lapp innan ruset har släppt :D
>>>>>> Ge ett lågt bud angett i drogmängd istället, och övertala honom att
>>>>>> budet är jättebra, det brukar kunna ge orimligt låga priser från
>>>>>> orimligt höga personer... (eller hur Araya? Hehe ;)
>>>>>> /mr - har iofs också fyndat av intoxikerade syntsäljare,
>>>>>> men då var det inte jag som föreslog priset
Message Number: 3
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 07:56:55 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re: SAS-VCF
>>ska dioden peka mot jord eller mot ingången på 4066an?
För att det ska gå ström genom den, måste den peka mot minus.
>>hur stort bör motståndet vara?
1,5 k har jag använt.
>>har jag förstått det rätt om du menar såhär?
Ja, i princip.
>>eller ska dioden vändas?
Just det.
>>hur hög spänning behövs för på-läget?
Halva matningsspänningen.
>>skadas kretsen vid styrspänning under 0v?
Nej, men den beter sig mycket underligt.
>>räcker det med en diod från jord mot
>>ingången för att klippa negativa spänningar som skydd?
Ja, men du måste förstås ha ett strömbegränsande motstånd, så dioden inte
lastar ned signalkällan.
Message Number: 4
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:24:33 +0200
From: ""
Subject: linda.bertilsson, Breaking News Alert
All our mailings are sent complying to the proposed H.R. 3113 Unsolicited
Commercial Electronic Mail Act of 2000. Please see the bottom of this message for
further information and removal instructions.
Does this headline look familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just
seen this story recently featured on a major nightly news program (USA). And
reported elsewhere in the world (including my neck of the woods ñ New Zealand).
His mother was cleaning and putting laundry away when she came across a large
brown paper bag that was suspiciously buried beneath some clothes and a
skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old sons closet. Nothing could have
prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found it was full
of cash. Five-dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds - all neatly
rubber-banded in labelled piles.
"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank", says the 41-year-old woman,
"There was over $71,000 dollars in that bag -- that's more than my husband earns
in a year".
The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where he worked to
tell him what she had discovered.He came home right away and they drove together
to the boys school and picked him up. Little did they suspect that where the
money came from was more shocking than actually finding it in the closet.
As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail, a type of "Report" to
E-mail addresses that he obtained off the Internet. Everyday after school for the
past 2 months, he had been doing this right on his computer in his bedroom.
"I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name on it
like the instructions said and I started sending it out", says the clever
The E-mail letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send one $5
dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address at the top and
move the others addresses Down , and finally to add your name to the top of the
The letter goes on to state that you would receive several thousand dollars in
five-dollar bills within 2 weeks if you sent out the letter with your name at the
top of the 5-address list. "I get junk E-mail all the time, and really did not
think it was going to work", the boy continues.
Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail, the Post Office Box that his
parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up
with not magazines, but envelopes containing $5 bills.
"About a week later I rode [my bike] down to the post office and my box had 1
magazine and about 300 envelops stuffed in it. There was also a yellow slip that
said I had to go up to the [post office] counter.
I thought I was in trouble or something (laughs)". He goes on, "I went up to the
counter and they had a whole box of more mail for me. I had to ride back home and
empty out my backpack because I could not carry it all".
Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the E-mail."The money just
kept coming in and I just kept sorting it and stashing it in the closet, barely
had time for my homework".He had also been riding his bike to several of the
banks in his area and exchanging the $5 bills for twenties, fifties and hundreds.
"I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding to different banks
with like five thousand at a time in my backpack. I would usually tell the lady
at the bank counter that my dad had sent me in to exchange the money] and he was
outside waiting for me.One time the lady gave me a really strange look and told
me that she would not be able to do it for me and my dad would have to come in
and do it, but I just rode to the next bank down the street (laughs)."
Surprisingly, the boy did not have any reason to be afraid.The reporting news
team examined and investigated the so-called "chain-letter" the boy was sending
out and found that it was not a chain-letter at all.In fact, it was completely
legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341,
or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of federal
regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service
must be exchanged for money received.
Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little note that read,
"Please send me report number XYX".This simple note made the letter legal because
he was exchanging a service (A Report on how-to) for a five-dollar fee.
[This is the end of the media release. If you would like to understand how the
system works and get your $71,000 ñ please continue reading. What appears below
is what the 15 year old was sending out on the net - YOU CAN USE IT TOO - just
follow the simple instructions].
read the following. This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news
lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a national weekly
news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program
described below, to see if it really can make people money. The show also
investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once
and for all that there are "absolutely NO Laws prohibiting the participation in
the program and if people can follow the simple instructions, they are bound to
make some megabucks with only $25 out of pocket cost".
NOTE* follow the directons below, I hade best results the second time when I
hired a bulk email service in addition to following the reports instructions. I
have been asked many times to recommend whom to use. However, after using one
particular company many, many times and had absolutely no problems with them. I
took it upon myself to discuss the possibility of a discount offer. They will
send 1 million email offers for $250 or 5 million for $1000.. Remember this is
recommended not Required. In order for all of us to be successful, many, many
emails must be sent so that the returns are many. I have been extremely
successful using the this company. They send out the offers, and all I do is
accept money for reports, then I send back to the people as soon as possible
This is what one had to say: "Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was
approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I
finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal
effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $610,470.00 in
21 weeks, with money still coming in".
Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I
never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I
decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ....
3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but
the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8
months by re- entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing
it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and
NOT change anything."
More testimonials later but first,
+++ Order all 5 reports shown on the list below +++
and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the
mail problems.
When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will
need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer. Within a few days
you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different
individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to
send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of
these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your
IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each
report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed
below in step "1 through 6" or you will loose out on majority of your profits.
Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work
if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter, it
will NOT work!!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all
five thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way.
Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So Do Not
try to change anything other than what is instructed. Because if you do, it will
not work for you.
Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!
1.... After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE
the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through
the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.
2.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT #5.
3.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT #4.
4.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT #3.
5.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT #2
6.... Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position.
PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!
**** Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on
your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in
case if you loose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the
internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing
information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find
thousands of free classified ads and much more. There are 2 Primary methods to
get this venture going:
Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will
assume You and those involved send out only 5,000e-mails each. Let's also assume
that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better
but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of
thousands e-mails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you
send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for
report # 1.
Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000.
Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That equals 100
people responded and ordered Report # 2.
Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The
0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report #3.
Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails
sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report #4.
Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50
million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report #5.
THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH=$500,000.00 (half million).
Your total income in this example is: 1..... $50 +2..... $500 + 3.....$5,000 +
4..... $50,000 + 5..... $500,000........Grand Total=$555,550.00
TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one
4th of those people mailed 100,000e-mails each or more? There are over 150
million people on the Internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people
will do just that, and more!
Advertising on the net is very very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE
places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a
larger response. We strongly suggest you start with Method #1 and add METHOD #2
as you go along. For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the
Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders.
This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out with your name and address on
it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report.
++++++++++++++ AVAILABLE REPORTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $5 cash (U.S.
CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed
by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper or aluminum foil. On one of those
sheets of paper, Write the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR
E-MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address.
REPORT #1: The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net
Order Report #1 from:
C. Bernerd
P.O. Box 242
New Freedom, PA 17349
REPORT #2: The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net
Order Report #2 from:
Mike W.
P.O. Box 161
Freeland, MD 21053
REPORT #3: Secret to Multilevel marketing on the Net
Order Report #3 from:
M. Eiseman
P.O. Box 451971
Sunrise, FL 33345-1971
REPORT #4: How to become a millionaire utilizing MLM & the Net
Order Report #4 from:
R. Chernick
P.O. Box 771661
Coral Springs, FL 33077-1661
REPORT #5: How to send out 0ne Million emails for free
Order Report #5 From:
G.M. Boland
353 Jonestown Road
Suite 125
Winston Salem, NC 27104
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success:
If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue
sending e-mails until you do.
After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100
orders or more for REPORT #2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending
e-mails until you do.
Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because
the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in!
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list,
you are placed in front of a Different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your
PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO
AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can
generate from this business!!!
information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with
NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few
weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS
INSTRUCTED. Do Not change it in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now.
Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name
and address in Report#1 and moved others to #2 thru #5 as instructed above. One
of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your
name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out the
more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I have given you the
ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent.
++++++++++++++++++++++++ MORE TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++
"My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant
with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this
program I grumbled to Jody about receiving "junk mail". I made fun of the whole
thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I "knew"
it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days
later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to
lay the old "I told you so" on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh
was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days
she had received total $ 147,200.00....all cash! I was shocked. I have joined
Jody in her "hobby".
Mitchell Wolf, Chicago, Illinois
"Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to
participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial
investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough
orders to at least get my money back". "I was surprised when I found my medium
size post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00 in the first 12
weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people
live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big".
Dan Sondstrom, Alberta, Canada
"I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I
should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get
another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else......11
months passed then it luckily came again...... I did not delete this one! I made
more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks".
Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y
If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of
Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of
Consumer Protection, Washington,D.C.
IMPORTANT: This email has been sent using TrueSend Technology to eliminate
undeliverables and wasted net traffic. Your email address is automatically
inserted into the to and from headers of this email. No one else will receive a
message with your email, and your email server was not used in the sending of
this message. You may remove yourself from this mailing by utilizing our
automated removal system at This message is in
full compliance with U.S. Federal requirements for commercial e-mail under bill
s.1618 Title 111, Section 301, Paragraph (a) (2) (c) passed by the 105th U.S.
Congress and cannot be considered SPAM since it includes a remove mechanism.
Message Number: 5
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:57:16 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re: linda.bertilsson, Breaking News Alert
Vafan?! Det blir värre och värre med spam:en här på listan!
Message Number: 6
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:57:30 +0200
From: ""
Subject: kenton igen
Min vanliga mail är knasig, verkar inte kunna posta till SAS så jag testar
från hotmail.
Är det någon som vill köpa ett Kenton Pro4 med hz/v och 15 olika
anslutningskablar för 4000:-? Interfacet har cv/gate för fyra synthar
och åtta cv utgångar för olika parametrar, dcb, och en massa annat.
Jag får den i en deal och har tyvärr inte råd med allt!
svara privat till
Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:
Message Number: 7
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:08:18 +0200
From: ""
Subject: re:=?US-ASCII?Q?_borrkrångel?
postar igen pga. trött jobbmail...
>>Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 23:00:00 +0200
>>From: ""
>>To: Multiple recipients of SAS
>>Subject: RE: SV: borrkrångel
>>On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, wrote:
>> >> >> spänna fast plåten, nä det har jag iofs inte gjort. Farligt?
>> >> >> Det har hänt att borren fastnar men då har hela chucken ramlat
>> >> >> loss istället för att plåten börjar färdas omkring... Fast
>> >> >> vanliga handborrmaskiner har såklart inte en sådan chuck som
>> >> >> ramlar av, är väl bara pelarborr som har det...
>> >> >> Jesus, är du sann eller?
>>Ja på båda. ;)
>>Men vad menar du? på pelarborrar sitter ju chucken monterad på ett
>>sådant sätt, dels för att man lätt ska kunna byta chuck, dels för
>>säkerhetsskäl skulle jag tro. Inget konstigt med att chucken ramlar
>>av, menar jag...
Du måste ha fått ett riktigt måndagsexemplar!!! Jag har aldrig varit
med om at chucken ramlar av, om den gjorde så på minpelarborr så
skulle jag skruva fast den ordentligt eller skrota skiten om det inte
Jag gör så här när jag borrar aluminium (jag har aldrig haft några
problem sen jag började göra så här): Spänn fast arbetsstycket
ordentligt, med vanliga tvingar om inget annat finns. Blanda 50%
flytande tvål och 50% t-sprit att pensla/droppa på borrstället. Jag
skriver ofta ut en borr-mall som jag ritar i illustrator och sedan
tejpar på plåten innan jag markerar hålen, då kan inget flytta sig och
måtten är redan färdiga i datorn. Använd en körnare eller liknande för
att markera centrumen på hålen. För-borra med tex 3mm borr för att
sedan arbeta upp storleken med större borr till önskad dimension. Jag
kör på medelhög borr-hastighet.
Ett utmärkt hjälpmedel för att få snygga hål från 4 till ca 30 mm är
att använda en stegborr, finns på clas olsson för ett par hundra. Om
man använder en sådan kan man dessutom försänka hålen enkelt genom att
bara köra lite på steget över den dimension man söker, det blir då
snyggt konat.
Kolla även in auktioner & annonser och leta efter ett xy-bord att
sätta på borrmaskinen, jag har ett på jobbet och det är helt lysnade!
ingen losskruvning av plåten när man gör många hål. ...och så kan man
ju klämma dit cnc-grejer!
/d - mr trial & error
Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
Message Number: 8
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:10:12 +0200
From: ""
Subject: analoga switchar (var: sas-vcf)
>>Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:17:40 +0200
>>From: ""
>>To: Multiple recipients of SAS
>>Subject: Re: SAS-VCF
kolla in
för en quad analog spdt fault protected switch, matning +/-4,5 till
+/- 18v, man kan banka in upp till +/-25v (+/-40v med power off) utan
att den brinner upp.
Finns som gratisprov.
>>On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, wrote:
>> >> >>Kan du avslöja mer om detta trick, för oss som ännu äro höljda i
>> >> >>ovisshetens dunkel? :-)
>> >>
>> >> Tricket går ut på att man sätter switchen alldeles innan minusingången
>> >> en op-amp som är kopplad som inverterande förstärkare.
>> >> Eftersom det är en virtuell jordpunkt blir spänningssvinget inte mer än
>> >> några millivolt där (utspänningen dividerat med op-ampens
>>Wow! Det var smart, måste jag säga! Hell Dave. :-)
>> >> Alltså:
>> >>
>> >> Insignal > motstånd > 4066 (eller 4051 etc) > opamp > utsignal.
>> >>
>> >> Man måste tänka på att sätta en diod från jord till ingången på 4066an,
>> >> att inte spänningen blir för hög när switchen är avstängd.
>> >> Man matar 4066an med +15 volt och en spänning som ligger cirka 0,7 volt
>> >> under jord (fixas med en diod till jord och ett motstånd till -15V).
>> >> Fördelen med detta är också att logiknivåerna för att styra switcharna
>> >> ligga på 0 och 15 volt.
>>Är OP:ns minusingång känslig såtillvida att man lätt plockar upp
>>störsignaler om man ansluter långa ledare eller t ex dessa obskyra
>>Finns det Prophet-scheman på nätet etc? Jag tror mig aldrig ha sett
>>såna. Vore intressant att se det in action.
Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
Message Number: 9
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:50:43 +0200
From: ""
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Appropå?= att bygga en synth av Lego..
Vad säger ni om detta?
Message Number: 10
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:40:18 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Appropå?= att bygga en synth av Lego..
At 10:50 2002-09-25 +0200, you wrote:
>>Vad säger ni om detta?
>> >
>> /Jörgen
Det lär ju finnas en koppling mellan killens efternamn och bygget i fråga.
Lim, jo jag tackar jag. ho.
/ Samuel (Tillbaka på listan efter att ha vart borta några år)
Message Number: 11
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:47:10 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re: SAS VCF? - multitypfilter!
On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, wrote:
>> Kolla in Oakley superladder, där kan man välja att köra det som tb303
>> eller moog 24db med 6db utgång och bandpass. Det har dessutom
>> cv-styrbar invertering av envelope-ingången, samt cv-styrd resonans.
>> Det går att köpa för en billig peng från england och är mycket
>> lättbyggt. Mitt byggdes på tre timmar och funkade på första försöket!
Jag hittade just schemat mm här:
Det är iofs version 1 och inte 2, men... kan nog ändå vara bra för oss att
ta en titt på!
Message Number: 12
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:55:42 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Prophet-5-scheman!
Apropå Jörgens Prophet-trick:
On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, der maschinenmeister wrote:
>> aha
>> sök i ah;s sökmotor ifall nån där kan ha lagt ut schemat...?
Där ser man. Till slut blev det en träff.
Här verkar finnas gott om P5-scheman för oss som vill
dyka djupare i analogswitcharnas hemliga värld... :)
Message Number: 13
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:09:31 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Problem med en 909'a ..
Hej hopp!
En bekanting till mig har problem med en 909 som inte är riktigt som den
En av ljudkanalerna ut på stereomixen glappar, men den funkar när han lägger
fingrarna på höljet precis bredvid .. I några sekunder... Sen glappar den
Jag har inte maskinen under mina beskyddande vingar, utan han har bara
frågat mig om tips ...
Vad kan det röra sig om? ... Någon lödbanna på kortet som gått åt pipan .. ?
Någon som skulle känna sig manad att vilja reparera en sådan goding? Jag
lovade att fråga runt iaf... Själv har jag inte tid, och inte kunskap nog
att vilja brottas med en dyrgrip .. Än =)
//Micke som räknat ut att sin SAS modular kommer att kosta som 2 909:or.
Minst! Fan vad pottar rattar och jack är dyrt =)
Message Number: 14
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:15:23 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Synthen=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_på?= Olle=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Ljungströms_nya=3F?
Hejsan hallå listan,
jag och en vän har fastnat i en fjantig diskussion om synthen på Olle Ljungströms
senaste platta (Synthesizer).
Framsidan finns att beskåda på: (ja, man måste ha
flash installerat).
I nederkanten finns där en flicka med rosa mössa sittandes framför (enligt mig)
en Yamaha CS-15.
Vad tror/vet ni? =)
Message Number: 15
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:13:38 +0200
From: ""
Subject: Re: Synthen=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_på?= Olle=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Ljungströms_nya=3F?
On Wed Sep 25 2002,
>> I nederkanten finns där en flicka med rosa mössa sittandes framför (enligt mig)
>> en Yamaha CS-15.
>> Vad tror/vet ni? =)
Yamaha CS-5.
/Janne, med lånad CS-15 hemma
Janne G:son Berg,
Message Number: 16
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:23:01 +0200
From: ""
Subject: SV: Synthen=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_på?= Olle=?ISO-8859-1?Q?_Ljungströms_nya=3F?
Ah, tackar tackar =)
Nära kan skjuta harar om man skjuter riktigt grovkalibrigt.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: []För
Skickat: den 25 september 2002 16:14
Till: Multiple recipients of SAS
Ämne: Re: Synthen på Olle Ljungströms nya?
On Wed Sep 25 2002,
>>> I nederkanten finns där en flicka med rosa mössa sittandes framför (enligt
>>> en Yamaha CS-15.
>>> Vad tror/vet ni? =)
Yamaha CS-5.
/Janne, med lånad CS-15 hemma
Janne G:son Berg,